We are an intentionally generous community.
You’re surrounded by generous people at The Meeting House. When you give, you help create a church that helps people find life by following Jesus.
Stories of Trust, Generosity, & Life Change
It's one thing to know that financial giving is an important part of your journey with God, it is something else to actually take the step and walk out in faith in generosity of time, and generosity of financial matters. The stories below were shared during the sermon series change in May 2024.
This is the amount that the 2024-25 Spending Plan expects to have been given and spent at this point in the year. (The fiscal year runs from July to June)
This the actual amount of money that has been spent or used in the regular operating budget of The Meeting House so far in the 2024-25 fiscal year.
This is the total amount given to The Meeting House's regular operating budget so far in 2024-25.
*The Meeting House is operating at a $145,264 surplus at the end of December.
Where Your Money Goes
God provides for the ministry of The Meeting House through your tithes and offerings. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of The Meeting House remains beyond reproach.
At The Meeting House, we have joined together to seek and embrace new opportunities to further reach the people of our communities, our state, our nation, and our world. Each year God continues to give us more vision, and as we continue to build God’s house, adding new locations, services, mission initiatives, and community investments, you have the opportunity to help share the love of Jesus with even more people.
Our budget year runs from July to June. Each month we report where we are in our spending plan as of the end of the previous month, within the planned budget. View the most recent report using the button below.
2024 Annual Meeting
The 2024 Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024. For more information, follow the link below.
Each year during the month of December, The Meeting House turns our attention toward generosity in a focused and challenging way. In a month when it is far too easy to focus on ourselves, or our families, or our experiences, we want to invite The Meeting House family to be focused on partnering with local and global organizations that are making an impact.
Giving towards the 2024 Christmas Give concluded on December 31, 2024.