

Check out events being held accross The Meeting House below! Where a campus is noted following the title of the event, that indicates the event is hosted by that campus specifically. You are welcome to attend or register for events hosted by any campus, wherever you attend, or even if you don't attend The Meeting House!


Pickleball Nights

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6-8pm

Back Parking Lot, TMH Carlisle

 Equipment is provided.

Acts Bible Study

Sundays at 9am

201, TMH Carlisle

This group of 6th graders through adults is reading and discussing the book of Acts. 


Saturdays, starting

Sept. 7 from 10am-noon

201, TMH Carlisle

Do you need help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend? GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help.

The Parenting Adventure (Auditorium Campus)

Postponed until further notice.

Essentials of Discipleship (Sanctuary Campus)

Wednesdays, Starting Sept. 11 at 6pm

201, TMH Carlisle

Essentials of Discipleship is a short course for those desiring to ground their faith and deepen their relationship with the Lord. It will cover critical practices for a joyful and fruitful life in Christ. Topics include: enjoying God through prayer, reading the Bible profitably, discerning God's will for your life, and finding your place to serve.

Practicing Formation (Auditorium Campus)

Wednesdays, Starting Sept. 11 at 6:30pm

TMH Carlisle

Becoming like Jesus is a journey that covers a lifetime. For the next nine months we will pursue Jesus together by intentionally walking with others and implementing spiritual practices that put us in a place to hear from Jesus and learn to live as his followers. By spring of 2025 we will have worked through topics like: emotional maturity, boundaries, identity in Christ, as well as practiced disciplines like: prayer, solitude, scripture reading, and prayer.

TMH Men: Deepen (Auditorium Campus)

Wednesdays, Starting Sept. 11 at 6:30pm

TMH Carlisle

Are you seeking purpose or deeper connections? Join other men for conversations about transformation and renewal along the masculine journey. Connect and grow together as we walk this path of faith and brotherhood. This fall study group is facilitated by leaders of the Men's Ministry in the Auditorium.

Creative Arts Preview (Auditorium Campus)

Sunday, Sept. 15 Following the Service

Auditorium, TMH Carlisle

There are great opportunities for you on our Worship and Tech teams! Join us to hear more. We will meet after the service.

Baptism Classes

Sundays, Sept. 15 & 22 at Various Times & Locations

We are celebrating baptisms in our services on Sunday, Oct. 20. Those interested in being baptized will need to attend a two-part class. The first class is being held Sept. 15 and 22 (depending on your campus). The second class is tentatively scheduled for Monday, Sept. 30. If you are interested but cannot attend the first class, contact office@tmh.church.

North of 50: Daniel at Sight & Sound

Tuesday, Sept. 17

Sight & Sound, and Dinner at Dienner's Country Restaurant

Join North of 50 for Sign & Sound's production of 'Daniel'. The bus will leave the church at 8:15am on Tuesday, Sept. 17. Tickets are $120 and include dinner after the show at Dienner's Country Restaurant. Ticket sales begin on June 16 and end on Aug. 11, 2024. 


*This trip is full.

Fall Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays & Thursdays
Starting Sept. 24 & 26

201, TMH Carlisle

This fall's study will use the book Luke, Gut-level Compassion by Lisa Harper. We will meet Tuesdays from 2:30-4pm or Thursdays from 6:30-8pm. 


Woven throughout Luke’s Gospel is the message that perfection is not a prerequisite for a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. Luke reveals that Jesus is especially fond of ragamuffins in need of a safe place to lean in and linger. Jesus doesn’t celebrate the elite, but embraces the outliers, outcasts, and overlooked! 

A Conversation on Mental Suffering

Tuesday. September 24

TMH Dillsburg

Mental health touches all of our lives in some way. We want to create space for a Jesus-centered conversation on this important topic so that we can more compassionately carry one another's burdens in a context where mental suffering is a reality for so many of us.

The After Party: Navigating Politics As Christians (Auditorium Campus)

Six Tuesdays, Starting Sept. 24 at 6pm

Family Room, TMH Carlisle

The After Party Class is a six part course which seeks to reorient Christian thinking about politics in an effort to heal political divisions in the church and cultivate humility, kindness, and hopefulness in Christian political engagement. 


First Night: Worship Gathering (Auditorium Campus)

Thursday, Oct. 3 at 7:30pm

The hour-long worship event will feature powerful music, heartfelt worship, and a time of community connection. We look forward to sharing this special night with you!

TMH Dinners (Dillsburg Campus

Friday, Oct. 4 in the Evening

In People's Homes

TMH Dinners are a beautifully simple event. Sign up to join others for dinner on Friday evening, October 4th who call TMHD their home. You can host or attend at someone else's home. These evenings provide a natural way to build relationships outside of the Sunday morning context while sitting around a table with food and conversation! 

Restored: Fall Women's Retreat

October 4-6, 2024

Roxbury Holiness Camp


To Love. To Joy. To Hope. To Faith.

A Women’s Weekend Retreat Hosted by the TMH Carlisle Women’s Ministry


Registration is currently full. Join the waitlist if you would like to be contacted if another spot becomes available.

The Marriage Course

Fridays, Starting Oct. 11 from 6:30-9pm

TMH Dillsburg

Join us for a series of seven date-night style sessions where you and your spouse will have the time and space to have private conversations with the goal of enriching & strengthening your marriage. Some topics will include the art of communication, resolving conflict and forgiveness. Whether married for six months or 40 years, whether in a good place or struggling, the course helps couples navigate the modern challenges of marriage.